Exploring 'West Indies, U.S.A.' by Stewart Brown
Photo by Jerry Zhang on Unsplash OVERVIEW 'West Indies, U.S.A.' covers the speaker's experiences and impressions as he journeys by airplane from one Caribbean island to another. In comparison to the affluent Puerto Rico, the other islands are either poor or not as prosperous. However, a closer look reveals that poverty exists in a place that is popularly known for its wealth. Stanza One The speaker is in an airplane and it is 30,000 feet above the island of Puerto Rico. As the plane descends, the speaker highlights that of all the islands he has passed through, Puerto Rico 'takes the pot', meaning Puerto Rico has won the jackpot for being the most prosperous of the islands. It is clear from this stanza that Puerto Rico is like no other island as it is referred to as the 'Dallas of the West Indies'. Stanza Two He reflects on the different airports he has just passed through that functioned as 'cultural fingermarks' or 'calling cards'. His ...